Example: Modelling an enzymatic reaction with Michaelis-Menten kinetics

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import numpy
import pandas
import scipy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from IPython.display import display

import calibr8
import murefi

Overview: Fitting with calibr8 and murefi

Let’s assume that you want to model the Michaelis-Menten kinetics of an enzymatic assay for estimating the enzymatic activity (\(v_{max}\)). For this toy example, let’s assume that we measured the reaction product \(P\) by absorbance at a wavelength of 570 nm.

For the analysis, you need…

  1. `calibr8 calibration model <htps://calibr8.readthedocs.io>`__ of the \(P\) vs. \(A_{570}\) correlation

  2. Correlation data for \(P\ [mmol/L]\) vs. measurement readout \(A_{570}\ [a.u.]\)

  3. murefi ODE model of Michaelis-Menten kinetics

  4. Kinetic data of product accumulation (vectors of \(t\) and \(A_{570}\))

⚠ About 75 % of the code in this example is for preparing fake data. ⚠

Preparing Data & Models

1. & 2. Calibration model of product concentration

Because this part is shown in examples for calibr8, everything is condensed into one cell.

class ProductAssayModel(calibr8.BasePolynomialModelT):
    def __init__(self):

def observe_with_true_parameters(x):
    return scipy.stats.t.rvs(loc=0.17 + 0.12 * x, scale=0.03, df=3)

# generate fake calibration data with a linear relationship
N = 48
X = numpy.linspace(0.1, 10, N)
Y = observe_with_true_parameters(X)

cm_product = ProductAssayModel()
theta_fit, _ = calibr8.fit_scipy(
    independent=X, dependent=Y,
    theta_guess=[0, 0.2, 0.05, 5],
    theta_bounds=[(-2, 2), (0.001, 0.5), (0.001, 0.5), (1, 10)]
fig, axs = calibr8.plot_model(cm_product);
for ax in axs:
    ax.set_xlabel('product concentration   [mmol/L]')
axs[0].set_ylabel('$A_{570}$   [a.u.]')

3. ODE Model of enzyme kinetics

To describe the kinetics of our enzyme of interest, we’ll use the ODEs of the Michaelis-Menten kinetics:

\[\frac{dP}{dt}= v_{max} \cdot \frac{S}{K_S+S}\]

For our data analysis we’ll have to implement it with murefi:

class MichaelisMentenModel(murefi.BaseODEModel):
    def __init__(self):
        self.guesses = dict(S_0=5, P_0=0, v_max=0.1, K_S=1)
        self.bounds = dict(
            S_0=(1, 20),
            P_0=(0, 10),
            v_max=(0.0001, 5),
            K_S=(0.01, 10),
            independent_keys=['S', 'P'],
            parameter_names=["S_0", "P_0", "v_max", "K_S"],

    def dydt(self, y, t, theta):
        S, P = y
        v_max, K_S = theta

        dPdt = v_max * S / (K_S + S)
        return [

model = MichaelisMentenModel()

4. Data of enzymatic reaction

Because this is an example notebook, we’ll have to fake our data… This can be done by 1. simulating a trajectory with our model and 2. using the observe_with_true_parameters function to make noisy observations of the product concentrations with the ground truth \(A_{570}\)/\(P\) relationship

# generate ground truth data at 10 time points
theta_true = (8, 0, 0.16, 2.5)
rep_groundtruth = model.predict_replicate(
    # S_0, P_0, v_max, K_S
    template=murefi.Replicate.make_template(tmin=0, tmax=180, independent_keys='SP', rid='A01', N=10)

# use error model to make noisy observations of the ground truth
rep_observed = murefi.Replicate(rid='A01')
rep_observed['A570'] = murefi.Timeseries(

# pack generated data into Dataset
dataset = murefi.Dataset()
dataset[rep_observed.rid] = rep_observed

fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(dpi=90)
ax.scatter(rep_observed['A570'].t, rep_observed['A570'].y, label='observations')
# use error model to project groundtruth onto dependent variable axis
ax.plot(rep_observed['A570'].t, cm_product.predict_dependent(rep_groundtruth["P"].y)[0], label='ground truth')
ax.set(xlabel='time   [s]', ylabel='$A_{570}$   [a.u.]')

Estimation of model parameters

With murefi, one can fit an entire dataset while sharing parameters across replicates. The sharing of parameters is achieved via a data structure called ParameterMapping.

The ParameterMapping is created from a table that maps each replicate in the dataset to a vector of parameters. Parameters that shall remain fixed are set as float while flexible parameters are identified by a str.

Here, we have just one replicate, so the ParameterMapping remains simple:

df_mapping = pandas.DataFrame(columns='rid,S_0,P_0,v_max,K_S'.split(',')).set_index('rid')
# we'll fix S_0=8.0 and fit only the remaining parameters
df_mapping.loc['A01'] = (8.0, 'P_0', 'v_max', 'K_S')

# create the ParameterMapping object
pm = murefi.ParameterMapping(
    guesses=model.guesses,      # fed as dict where the key is the name of the parameter
    bounds=model.bounds         # same as guesses
S_0 P_0 v_max K_S
A01 8.0 P_0 v_max K_S
ParameterMapping(1 replicates, 4 inputs, 3 free parameters)

The ParameterMapping object pm can now be used to create an optimization objective for a Dataset & given a ParameterMapping. To connect model predictions with data, it requires a list of calibr8.CalibrationModel.

Without a calibration model, the data will not contribute to the fit!

obj = murefi.objectives.for_dataset(
    # no need for a substrate calibration model, because there's no data

# The objective function can be evaluated at the initial guess to see if everything works as expected:
print(f'Objective at initial guess: {obj(pm.guesses)}')
Objective at initial guess: -9.793625758398255

Now the model can be fitted with scipy.optimize.minimize.

If fitting does not work, check the following most common problems: - objective could evaluate to nan (check this with objective(pm.guesses)) - initial guesses might be too unrealistic - bounds may be too open (invalid predictions, hard to find the optimum) - bounds may be too restrictive (fit hits the bound) - bounds may be unrealistic (e.g. not preventing negative \(K_S\)) - calibration models using the \(Normal\) distribution often cause numerical problems

model_fit = scipy.optimize.minimize(
      fun: -13.103571329566996
 hess_inv: <3x3 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
      jac: array([-1.38555834e-05,  1.84721536e+01,  4.38937775e-04])
     nfev: 168
      nit: 23
     njev: 42
   status: 0
  success: True
        x: array([1.54038219, 0.        , 0.13220258])

Visualizing the optimization result

To visualize the result, we’ll use the ParameterMapping.repmap method to transform the global parameter vector (3 entries) into a parameter vector for our model (4 entries). This is necessary because the global one has a different order and is missing parameters that were fixed.

Then, we can make a high-density prediction using our model:

# first make a high-density prediction
rep_fit = model.predict_replicate(
    template=murefi.Replicate.make_template(tmin=0, tmax=180, independent_keys='SP')

fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(dpi=90)
colors = dict(P='blue', S='orange')

# plot data, transformed via the error model into the independent unit
t_obs = rep_observed['A570'].t
y_obs = cm_product.predict_independent(rep_observed['A570'].y)
ax.scatter(t_obs, y_obs, label='observations',color=colors['P'])

# plot all timeseries of the fit
for ykey, ts in reversed(rep_fit.items()):
    ax.plot(ts.t, ts.y, label=ykey, color=colors[ykey])

# plot all timeseries of the groundtruth for comparison
for ykey, ts in reversed(rep_groundtruth.items()):
    ax.plot(ts.t, ts.y, label=ykey + ' (true)', linestyle=':', color=colors[ykey])

ax.set_xlabel('time   [s]')
ax.set_ylabel('P, S   [mmol/L]')
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -n -u -v -iv -w
Last updated: Mon Mar 29 2021

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.7.9
IPython version      : 7.19.0

murefi    : 5.0.0
scipy     : 1.5.2
matplotlib: 3.3.2
numpy     : 1.19.2
pandas    : 1.2.1
calibr8   : 6.0.0

Watermark: 2.2.0